Proverbs 11:12–15


V. 12. He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbor, that is, he who mocks his neighbor lacks in heart and mind; but a man of understanding holdeth his peace, withholding his judgment, guarding against hasty condemnation and a self-righteous exaltation of self.

V. 13. A talebearer revealeth secrets, his conduct in going about tattling and slandering results in the betrayal of many a thing which had better remained bidden; but he that is of a faithful spirit, one who proves himself trustworthy, one upon whom people can depend, concealeth the matter, secrets which were committed to him, things whose publication will result only in heartaches and not in edification. A different matter is that broached Matt. 18, 15-20.

V. 14. Where no counsel is, no wise direction or leadership, the people fall, decay and ruin come upon the whole country; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety, that is, it is bound to serve for the benefit of a people if intelligent counselors are always available to the government.

V. 15. He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it, be will fare extremely ill on account of his rash act; and he that hateth suretyship, avoiding both the persons who are too ready to give their hands in pledge and the methods lightly adopted by them, is sure, he places himself beyond danger.