Proverbs 20:1–4


V. 1. Wine is a mocker, excessive indulgence in it produces scorn and blasphemy in the drinker, strong drink is raging, it robs a man of clear thinking and proper self-possession; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise, that is, if he is led astray thereby, so that he reels and staggers under its influence, he shows the lack of wisdom and will never attain to true wisdom.

V.2. The fear of a king, the terror spread by his anger, is as the roaring of a lion, chap. 19, 12; whoso provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul, foolishly risks and even forfeits his own life.

V. 3. It is an honor for a man to cease from strife, to dwell and remain far from quarrels, neither to provoke nor to promote them; but every fool will be meddling, foolishly starting quarrels.

V. 4. The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold, the disagreeable weather furnishing him a welcome excuse to keep him from tilling the soil; therefore shall he beg in harvest and have nothing, that is, when he looks for grain in the season of harvest, his field has borne none, that being the reward of sloth.