Proverbs 5:1–4

The Evils of Unchastity.

WARNING AGAINST WANTONNESS. — V. 1. My son, attend unto my wisdom, giving heed to its precepts, and bow thine ear, in the attitude of the most careful listening, to my understanding, both the possession of knowledge and the proper exercise of discrimination in applying it to the various situations of life being urged, v. 2. that thou mayest regard discretion, the reflection and consideration needed for circumspect behavior, and that thy lips may keep knowledge, preserving its instructions word for word and repeating them often, lest they be forgotten.

This is placed in contrast to the seductions of the wanton woman.

V. 3. For the lips of a strange woman, of a harlot, drop as an honeycomb, with seductive invitations, and her mouth is smoother than oil, in framing flattering and alluring speeches; v.4. but her end, her future, the reward which is sure to strike her, is bitter as wormwood, the universal emblem of poisonous bitterness, sharp as a two-edged sword, such is the final result of yielding to her seductions.