Proverbs 30:710


The Maxims of Agur, the Son of Jakeh.

GOD’S WORD AS THE SOURCE AND DISPENSER OF ALL WISDOM. — V. 7. Two things have I required of Thee, in an earnest prayer; deny me them not before I die, the poet’s entreaty being for a constant enjoyment of these blessings during his whole life: v. 8. Remove far from me vanity and lies, deceit and lying words, every form of transgression of the Eighth Commandment; give me neither poverty nor riches, both extremes being dangerous for the average human being; feed me with food convenient for me, literally, “of my lot or portion,” as much as God found best to assign to him, as much as he needed, v. 9. lest I be full, surfeited by an overabundance, and deny Thee, in the notion that he no longer needed the care of Jehovah, and say, Who is the Lord? such being the danger on the one side, or lest I be poor, in the abyss of severe want, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain, such mockery and blasphemy being found in the mouth of such as believe themselves ill-treated in this world or not properly recognized by the Lord.

V. 10. Accuse not a servant unto his master, by slanderous reports, lest he curse thee, for the wrong done to him, and thou be found guilty, obliged to pay the penalty of the transgression.