Proverbs 10:9–11

Wisdom Contrasted with Folly.

THE BANQUET OF WISDOM. — V. 9. Give instruction to a wise man, for he is willing to learn, and every correction serves for his further training, and he will be yet wiser; teach a just man, showing him how he may make still further progress in righteousness of life, and he will increase in learning, he will add to his store of knowledge and make proper use of it.

V. 10. The fear of the Lord Is the beginning of wisdom, the basis and source of all true wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy, of Him who is the essence of holiness, is understanding, since it acts as a spur to ever greater efforts in holiness of life.

V. 11. For by me, through the knowledge and strength given by true wisdom, thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased, a long and happy life being the reward of the use of true wisdom.