Proverbs 24:5–7

Proverbs 24

V. 5. A wise man is strong, full of strength, exerting a powerful influence; yea, a man of knowledge, one making use of proper circumspection and caution, increaseth strength, develops and extends his influence, makes use of his power in the proper manner.

V. 6. For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war, carry it forward to a successful issue, and in multitude of counselors, all of whom contribute good advice, there is safety, matters are sure to go forward favorably. Compare chapter 20, 18; 11, 14; 15, 22.

V.7. Wisdom is too high, altogether unattainable, for a fool; he openeth not his mouth in the gate, he cannot be consulted by the leading men of the city as they deliberate upon the welfare of the community, their place of assembly being in the gate of the city or immediately inside the gate, where the open space was set aside for public meetings.