Proverbs 25:15–18

Proverbs 25

V. 15. By long forbearing is a prince, that is, a judge sitting in a case, persuaded, a persistent, gentle patience very often succeeding in gaining its point, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone, wearing down the most stubborn resistance by its gentleness.

V. 16. Hast thou found honey? Eat so much as is sufficient for thee, as much as the body may well use for food, lest thou be filled therewith, be surfeited, and vomit it, for that is the consequence of intemperance and overindulgence.

V. 17. Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor’s house, making the visits rare, few and far between, lest he be weary of thee, tired of the company imposed upon him, and so hate thee, on account of the importunity displayed.

V. 18. A man that beareth false witness against his neighbor is a maul and a sword and a sharp arrow, since his words wound and crush with unmerciful cruelty.