Psalm 119:169-176

The Christian's Golden ABC of the Praise, Power, and Value of God's Word

Tav. CONCLUDING APPEAL. — V. 169. Let my cry come near before Thee, O Lord, with no obstructions to hinder it in its course; give me understanding according to Thy Word, since the Word alone is the source of all true knowledge.

V. 170. Let my supplication come before Thee,be brought into His presence for favorable consideration; deliver me according to Thy Word, the psalmist's appeal time and again being to the mercy and to the promise of the Lord.

V. 171. My lips shall utter praise, proclaiming His glory, when Thou hast taught me Thy statutes, leading him ever more deeply into the glories of His Word.

V. 172. My tongue shall speak of Thy Word, being constrained so to do by the miracles related in the Word; for all Thy commandments are righteousness, in full agreement with eternal right and truth.

V. 173. Let Thine hand help me,literally, “Be Thy hand for my help”; for I have chosen Thy precepts, thereby placing himself entirely on the side of the Lord, with the right to expect help from Him.

V. 174. I have longed for Thy salvation, O Lord; thus his eagerness once more causes him to exclaim; and Thy Law is my delight, he finds his greatest pleasure in the knowledge of the Word.

V. 175. Let my soul live, in full fellowship with the heavenly Father, to whom he has appealed in his wonderful prayer, and it shall praise Thee, and let Thy judgments help me, sustaining him in all trials and leading him safely to the home of the Father.

V. 176. I have gone astray like a lost sheep, apparently all forsaken in the midst of a host of enemies; seek Thy servant, to bring him back to rest and shelter; for I do not forget Thy commandments. On the side of men there is ever erring and getting lost; on the part of God there is ever seeking and finding and taking home to the enjoyment of eternal blessings.