Mark 12:16-17

The denarius: V. 16. And they brought it. And He saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto Him, Caesar's. V. 17. And Jesus, answering, said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marveled at Him.

When they had brought the coin and had given the information that the image and the inscription was that of Caesar, His conclusion and answer were brief : The things of Caesar render to Caesar, and those of God to God.

This rule applies at all times and is invaluable in maintaining the proper distinction between Church and State. God's people, the believers of all times, will, above all, give due honor, render due obedience, to God. In things which concern God, the service of God, faith, and conscience, we are obedient to God alone and permit no man to interfere.

But in worldly, civil matters, where money, possessions, body, life are concerned. the Christians will cheerfully obey the government.

With these words the Lord has incidentally laid down the distinction which is to be observed between the kingdom of God and the authority of the State, He has here forbidden the State to interfere in Church matters, and the Church to meddle with the business of the government.