John 4:25-26

Belief and missionary effort: V. 25. The woman saith unto Him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ; when He is come, He will tell us all things. V. 26. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am He.

The woman had listened to Jesus with increasing understanding, not unmixed, however, with some measure of bewilderment over the depth of wisdom which lay in the words of Jesus. But the drift of the Lord's speech seemed to be that the time of Messianic glory was about to be revealed.

Now the Samaritans had some dim and uncertain idea of the promised Messiah out of the Pentateuch. And the woman now voices her hope in this Messiah, who is called the Christ; with His coming, she knows, all type, symbol, and prophecy would be at an end, for He would bring them a full and complete message, clear and unmistakable to their understanding, without type and external worship.

Jesus now revealed Himself to the woman in a few simple words: I am He, the man that is speaking with you. Jesus is the one Savior that can and will give to all men the full Gospel of salvation; He is the Savior of the world.

There was no danger in this announcement of the Lord in Samaria; for, unlike the Jews, the Samaritans did not regard the promised Messiah as a king who was to inaugurate political changes, but as a prophet and teacher who would give them the full revelation of God's Word and will. But the plain words of Jesus had taught the woman the true meaning of the Messiah, and she, the sinner, believed Him to be the Savior of sinners.