2016 Advent Calendar

Day 24

While Shepherdesses watched their flocks by night....

Day 23

Shane Jones puts his aftershave on before his appearance from the bench. The boys have a laugh.

Day 22

Winger Dean Deagle gets in involved in a bit of wrestling with the full back and ends up on the ground

Day 21

A beautiful sunset in Northallerton near the end of August

Day 20

Club mascot Heaton Stan Harry poses with English footballs most desired prize, the FA Cup

Day 19

The sun sets, sadly, on Norton & Stockton Ancients time in the Northern League. Our visit in November turned out to be the last game the brilliantly named club ever played due to financial difficulties. Nortons demise is truly a sorry state of affairs.

Day 18

Joe "Ducky" Fulcher does'nt go to the ball, it comes to him. #TheForce

Day 17

Washington (A) Pre Season Friendly. The day Legend went in goal

Day 16

Heaton Stan Harry brings the wife and bairn to the picturesque Esh Winning on a warm September afternoon

Day 15

The back heel by Gary "Legend" Yates which put Dean Imray through for a goal against Esh Winning back in April. "Legendinho" was born

Day 14

George Phillipson loved a tackle. Smash!

Day 13

Back in March a packed Grounsell Park saw us beat the Champions South Shields with a team riddled by injuries and players unavailable for many different reasons. Strange how football works sometimes

Day 12

Ryan Bailey says to physio Peter "17 fingers, I'm fine, man"

Day 11

This fine bunch of lads n lass on now retired Mike Amos' Last Legs Challenge before our Senior Cup Semi-Final against Blyth Spartans. Note the 2 ancient structures. And some bridges!

Day 10

Gary Dixon spots the camera and gives a wave

Day 9

The bairn won the Easter Chocolate Hampre in the half time raffle. Pictured with his dad Matt Stark and gateman Jim

Day 8

Centre Half Peter Scott came on as a sub for the last 5 minutes at Hebburn when the game was scoreless and preceded to score the only goal of the game with probably his first touch of the ball

Day 7

Beer and Football, the perfect combination. Taken by #StanArmy member Dean Charlton

Day 6

Heaton Stan Harry took his good lady on a date. To The Stan!

Day 5

Midfielder Ryan Bailey was told to sit on the number 9. Decka didnt mean literally...

Day 4

Gateman Jim, Party Marty with loyal supporter Ron all wrapped up for a January game

Day 3

Back to Billingham Synthonia in January and manager Derek Thompson watches on from the other side of the moat that ran around the pitch.

Day 2

An Interview with star striker Adam Rowntree

Day 1

Full back George Phillipson scores a wonder solo goal at Dalbeattie in pre season curling it into top corner