Saturday 6th December 2014

Heaton Stannington 0-4 Team Northumbria

Northern League Division 2

For those fans who first watched Newcastle beat Chelsea 2-1 at St. James’ Park before jumping on a 38 bus to NE7, and the hallowed Grounsell Park, the afternoon was to end in a low after starting so well. Even punk band 999, who turned up at the gate to collect t-shirts from Paul ‘the undertaker’ Henderson’ could see that there was going to be an emergency with regards to the Stan’s promotion challenge if this six pointer ended up nasty nasty. The squad was light due to injuries, work commitments, Lee Johnson’s suspension and poor excuses which probably included ‘my dog ate my shinguards.’ There was only one change though from Wednesday night’s starting eleven.

Not much happened in the first thirty minutes except for five minutes in when Backhouse raced out of the Stan box to clear the ball but missed. Luckily Stoddart cleared it. Although Backhouse made a save in the thirty fourth minute, Team North put the ball across the box to the left where unmarked Perez, brother of the Newcastle striker of the same name, easily shot home to make it 0-1.

After this it was all Team North and there were two more chances for the students before, in the thirty eighth minute, Dibb-Fuller shot and scored from outside the box to make it 0-2. Three minutes later things nearly got worse for the Stan when Wear brought a Team North forward down in the box. Anthony hit a good penalty to the right hand corner of the goal but Backhouse did well to get to it.

The Stan started the second half more lively although it was Team North who would have scored if Backhouse had not got down to stop a shot. It was then Dodsworth’s turn to be blocked by the away keeper in the fifty second minute. Waugh then had a chance followed by one for tricky Perez at the other end. In the sixty sixth minute, two Stan and one away player slid in to try and connect with a ball from the right. Unfortunately it was North’s Dormand who made contact to make it 0-3.

In the seventy seventh minute, after Shaun came out for a ball, two Stan defenders had to clear off the line. North hit over before, with six minutes to go, Backhouse failed to clear a ball from the right and Dormand put it away to make the final score 0-4. There were final chances for both teams but no more goals.

Manager and part time garden gnome Derek Thompson was disappointed with the result and stated that, unlike the Krankies sounding reporter, the squad’s performance and attitude was not fan-dabi-dozi. Let us hope that the Stan can get back to wining ways, even if not by a cricket score, next Saturday at Chester-Le-Street.

Stan Team: Backhouse; Cairns; Deagle; Stoddart (McGarrigal); Ray; Wear; Telford; Dodsworth; Creswick (Yates); Waugh; Burns (Johnson, A).

Unused sub: Hoggins.

Yellow Cards: Telford, Wear.

Attendance: 118

Kevin Mochrie