Wednesday 24th September 2014

Heaton Stannington 4-1 Seaton Delaval


In contrast to what will likely be a full house next Wednesday night against Newcastle United, Grounsell Park hosted a closed-doors friendly against Northern Alliance opposition Seaton Delaval. The match was arranged for the management team to look at potential signings and to provide match practice for the squad including goalkeeper Shaun Backhouse.

The Stan dominated the opening period and went 1-0 up from a Gary Dixon drive after twenty minutes. Seaton’s first shot on goal came in the twenty fifth minute from a free kick but the Stan continued to control the match. A minute later it was 2-0 when Robertson shot past the Seaton goalkeeper. The Stan continued to do most of the attacking and this resulted in Lee Johnson making it 3-0.

In the second half Seaton got more into the game but it was the Stan who came closest to scoring first through Robertson but he took too long to shoot. It was the Stan who scored again when Burns passed the ball to a trialist who scored. There were more chances at either end with Gary Dixon and a Seaton player both shooting just wide.

This was followed by a great run by Robertson who beat the Seaton keeper but then hit the post. After another Seaton attack, the Stan had a shot cleared off the line with the follow up shot going over the bar. There was some reward for the efforts of the opposition when they scored late on from a corner.

So after a 4-1 victory for the Stan it is back to league action on Saturday.

Stan Team:


Goals: Dixon 20, Robertson 26, Johnson, Trialist.


Kevin Mochrie