Tinsel in a Tangle
This Tutorial was written by Chasunicorn
on November 9, 2014.
Tube by Anna Liawanag HERE
Punk Christmas Scrap Kit by Abstract Creations HERE
Template #136 by Dangerously Delicious Designz HERE
Mask of Choice
Drop Shadow:
Whatever you prefer
Some Abbreviations I use:
C&P~Copy and Paste
DS~Drop Shadow
MW~Magic Wand
**Open template and Duplicate
Close original and delete Credit layer
**Close out all layers except the background layer
(I tend to work from the bottom to the top)
*BG layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 4
Apply Mask of Choice and Merge Down
*Creme Oval layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 1
*Gold Oval layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 6
*Creme Oval Ring layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 1
Apply some noise
*Bottom Right Green Rectangle layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 10
*Bottom Left Green Rectangle layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 10
*Bottom Dashed lines layer...Select All/Float/Defloat and Flood Fill with Black
*Top Red Rectangle layer...Mw and C&P into selection paper 3
*Bottom Red Rectangle layer...Mw and C&P into selection paper 3
*Creme Squares layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 1
*Green Square Outlines layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 10
*Top Right Green Rectangle layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 10
*Top Left Green Rectangle layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 10
*Top Dashed Lines layer...Delete this layer
*Center Creme Strip layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 1
*Center Green Strip layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 10
*Center Creme Circle layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 1
Apply some Noise
*Center Gold Circle layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 6
C&P your close up tube...Invert/Delete...Blend Mode: Hard Light Opacity: 75%
*All Wordart layers...Merge down together and arrange as you like
C&P Elements:
*Element 34...C&P as a new layer...Place to the bottom of the
red rectangle layers...Adjust so the lights peek past the other layers
Duplicate/Flip/Mirror and adjust like the original set of of lights
*Element 41...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75%...
Place behind the Creme Circle layer
*Element 20...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the frame to the right
Duplicate/Mirror and Place slightly higher on the right side of the canvas
*Element 18...C&P as a new layer...Place in front of the pink trees to the left
Duplicate/Mirror and Place slightly higher on the right side of the canvas
*Element 8...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75% 2xs...Place to the left of the
*Element 14...C&P as a new layer...Place in the center of
the canvas above the present
*Element 38...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75% 2xs...Place to the left of the
*Element 4...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the Pink and Black present
on the left side of the canvas
*Element 1...C&P as a new layer...RS by 55% Place to the right side of the
canvas behind the black present
Add your preferred Tube where you think it looks best
Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark
Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done