
This Tutorial was written by Chasunicorn

on September 19, 2014.


Tube by Tania Santos HERE

Reflections Scrap Kit by Honored Scraps HERE

Mask of Choice



Drop Shadow:

Whatever you prefer

Some Abbreviations I use:

C&P~Copy and Paste


DS~Drop Shadow

MW~Magic Wand

Canvas Size: 


C&P Elements: 

*Mask layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 5

Apply Mask of Choice and Merge Group

*Frame 3...C&P as a new layer...RS by 85%...Adjust/Hue and Saturation/Colorize

Adjust to your liking or just bring each bar to 0...

MW inside the frame...Add a new layer...C&P into selection

paper 3...C&P as a new layer 2 copies of your tube...and adjust 

them to your liking...Invert/Delete each tube layer

Blend Mode: Overlay on one copy and Soft Light of the other

*Element 34...C&P as a new layer...RS by 85%

Place towards the top of frame...Duplicate/Flip/Mirror

Merge Down...Slide under the frame

*Element 29...C&P as a new layer...Place in front of the frame

place to the left of the frame

*Element 15...C&P as a new layer...Flip the element 

and slide under the flower swag

*Element 23...C&P as a new layer...RS by 45%

Place to the left of the frame to you liking

*Element 22...C&P as a new layer...RS by 40%

Place to the left of the frame to you liking

*Element 24...C&P as a new layer...RS by 40%

Place to the left of the frame to you liking

*Element 30...C&P as a new layer...Place to the

right of the frame to your liking

*Element 60...C&P as a new layer...RS by 55%

Place behind the flowers to your liking

Add your preferred Tube where you think it looks best

Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark

Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done