Sunflower Patch

This Tutorial was written by Chasunicorn

on February 21, 2014.


Tube by PinUp Toons HERE

Sunflower Patch Scrap Kit by Bits N Bobs HERE

Mask of choice



Drop Shadow:

Whatever you prefer

Some Abbreviations I use:

C&P~Copy and Paste


DS~Drop Shadow

MW~Magic Wand

Canvas Size:


C&P Elements:

*Mask Layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 6

Apply Mask of choice...Merge Group

*Element 51...C&P as a new layer...Using your selection tool

in the rectangle shape...Position your selection about the half way

and delete the bottom half of the frame...Move the remaining frame half

just slightly towards the bottom of the canvas

*Element 29...C&P as a new layer...Place in front to the frame layer...

RS by 90%...Adjust to your liking...Using your Smudging Tool...and

soften the edges of the grass element...Slide this element towards the bottom

of the frame...Duplicate/Flip/Mirror...Move back to the bottom to create a grassy


*Tube...C&P as a new layer...Place in the center of the grass patch

*Element 63...C&P as a new layer...Arrange to your liking and erase any portion

that sticks out pass the grass layer towards the bottom

*Element 64...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the grass layer and RS to your liking

Erase all portions that stick out the bottom of the grass and the side

*Element 7...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75%...Place to either side of the tube

and Duplicate and Mirror...Arrange to your liking

*Element 8...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75%...Place to either side of the tube

and Duplicate and Mirror...Arrange to your liking

*Element 6...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75%...Place to either side of the tube

and Duplicate and Mirror...Arrange to your liking

*Element 20...Place to the left of the canvas behind the flowers

Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark

Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done