Pumpkin Babe

This tutorial was written by Chasunicorn

On September 19, 2012


Tube by PinUpToons HERE

Jessica Dougherty 19-1 Scrap Kit by Abstract Creations HERE

Template by MelissaV HERE

Mask of Choice


Xero- Fritillary

DSB Flux-Bright

Eye Candy: Impact- Glass

Eye Candy: Impact- Gradient Glow

Drop Shadow:

Whatever you prefer

Some Abbreviations I use:

C&P~Copy and Paste


DS~Drop Shadow

MW~Magic Wand


*Open the template Duplicate and close the original

Delete the credits layer on the Copy.

*Background...MW...C&P paper 4 into selection apply a mask of Choice

Merge Group

*Strip 3...MW...Flood Fill with black...Apply Xero- Fritillary

Settings 5/55/75/165

*Strip 2...MW...Flood fill with an Orange that matches your tube or Kit

Apply Xero- Fritillary Settings 5/55/75/165...Slide layer below Strip 3

*Strip 1...MW...Change you color palette to a Fore/Background gradient

Settings Linear/Angle: 45/Repeats: 1...Flood Fill...Apply a Soft Noise with

DSB Flux-Bright Noise 30%

*Center Rectangle...MW...C&P Paper 2 into selection

*Frame...MW...Flood fill with Gradient change the repeats to 10...Add Soft Noise

with DSB Flux same settings as Strip 1

Lets add a bit of shine to the frame by adding a glass effect with

Eye Candy: Impact- Glass...Use any setting you like.

*Circles...We are going to color every other circle black...and then the others will be

Colored Orange...Add a Lot of noise with DSB Flux-Bright noise 95%

**Optional...Add a 2 tone Gradient Glow to Strips and Circle Layers

C&P Elements:

**Add your preferred Tube where you think it looks best

Click on the frame layer...MW inside the frame...Selections/Modify/Expand 3

Select your Tube layer and Duplicate...Slide one copy of it below the frame...

Selections/Invert Delete...Click on the top tube layer and delete any part of

the tube that is hanging below the frame.

*Element 2...RS 65%...Mirror and place in front of the Circles

*Element 9...RS 65%...Place in the top left corner of the frame

Duplicate and Mirror...Merge Down...Duplicate the Merged Layers and Flip

Again Merge Down and slide the web down to be placed on top of the Mask

*Element 11...Place above the Center Rectangle...Arrange so that none of the

Element shows pass the frame

*Element 1...RS 65% 2 times...Place in the top left corner

(See my tag for reference)

*Word Art 1...Add a gradient glow (Optional)...Place on your tag where you like

Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark

Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done