I Do

This Tutorial was written by Chasunicorn

on January 25, 2014.


Tube by Constanza Ehrenhaus

(This tube was donated to the Taking Back PSP Event

which is no longer being held) HERE

Truly, Madly, Deeply Scrap Kit by Honored Scraps HERE

Mask of choice


MuRa's Meisters: Copies

Drop Shadow:

Whatever you prefer

Some Abbreviations I use:

C&P~Copy and Paste


DS~Drop Shadow

MW~Magic Wand

Canvas Size:


C&P Elements:

*Mask Layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 4

Apply your mask of choice...Merge Group

*Element 22...C&P as a new layer...RS by 35%

Apply MuRa's Meisters: Copies using the Encircle Default

Adjust to your liking, I only changed the first

three selections 15/50/65...MW/Expand by 40...inside the frame you just made

add a new layer...and C&P into that selection a paper of choice

*Tube...C&P as a new layer...Arrange inside the frame to your liking

Erase any portion sticking out of the frame...Blend Mode to Multiply

Opacity to 65%...Above the Frame add your tube again to the center

*Element 20...C&P as a new layer above the Mask Layer

*Element 23...C&P as a new layer...RS by 55% and slide to

the right of the tag behind the Main tube

*Element 27...C&P as a new layer...RS by 55% and place

behind the Rose on the right of the tag...Free Rotate by 90 to the left

*Element 37...C&P as a new layer...RS by 40% and give the element a slight tilt

to the left...Place between the 2 flowers

*Element 58...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75% 2xs...Place to

the right of the tag

*Element 13...C&P as a new layer...RS by 40%...Place in front of the cake

*Element 5...C&P as a new layer...RS by 40%...Place behind the glasses and

Duplicate/Mirror and slide back in front of the cake

*Element 59...C&P as a new layer and RS by 40%...Place in front of the

flowers and cake

*Element 56...C&P as a new layer...Place to the left of the tag and RS by 65%

Place in front of the flowers

*Element 51...C&P as a new layer...Place to the right of the tag...RS by 35%

and again by 65% 2xs

Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark

Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done