Rock Princess

This Tutorial was written by Chasunicorn

on November 6, 2013.


Tube by Orkusart HERE

Rock Princess Scrap Kit by Bits N Bobs HERE

Template 3 by Lucky Star Scraps HERE

Mask of Choice


Tramages: Tow The Line

Drop Shadow:

Whatever you prefer

Some Abbreviations I use:

C&P~Copy and Paste


DS~Drop Shadow

MW~Magic Wand


**Open template and Duplicate

Close original and delete Credit layer

**Close out all layers except the background layer

(I tend to work from the bottom to the top)

*Background layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 6

Apply mask of choice

*Purple Rectangles layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 6

*Rectangle Dots layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

Black...Apply some noise

*Blue Outline 1 layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

a shade of pink...Apply some noise

*Green Rectangle layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 10

*Purple Outline layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

White...Apply some noise

*Blue Outline 2 layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

a shade of pink...Apply some noise

*Right Circles layer...MW every other circle...Flood Fill with a shade

of pink...With the Pink Circles still selected apply Tramages: Tow the Line

Default Settings or settings of your chosen...Deselect and MW the remaining circles

Flood fill with Black

*Right Purple Outline layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

White...Apply some noise

*Right Blue Outline layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

a shade of pink...Apply some noise

*Left Circles layer...MW every other circle...Flood Fill with a shade

of pink...With the Pink Circles still selected apply Tramages: Tow the Line

Default Settings or settings of your chosen...Deselect and MW the remaining circles

Flood fill with Black

*Left Purple Outline layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

White...Apply some noise

*Left Blue Outline layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with

a shade of pink...Apply some noise

C&P Elements:

*Tube...C&P as a new layer to the center of your canvas

*Element 34...C&P as a new layer...RS by 65% Place above the Rectangle Dots

layer...Slide to the lower right corner...Duplicate/Flip/Mirror...Merge Down

*Element 68...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the tube towards the top right corner

Duplicate/Mirror and slide towards the middle of the Circle line

*Element 14...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the Circle line...Duplicate/Flip/Mirror

Merge Down

*Element 33...C&P as a new layer...Place above the Green Rectangle

Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark

Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done