Skull & Lollipops

This Tutorial was written by Chasunicorn

on March 3, 2014.


Tube by Arthur Crowe HERE

Template #3 by Melissa HERE

Skullz and Lollipopz Scrap Kit by Abstract Creations HERE

Mask of Choice



Drop Shadow:

Whatever you prefer

Some Abbreviations I use:

C&P~Copy and Paste


DS~Drop Shadow

MW~Magic Wand


**Open template and Duplicate

Close original and delete Credit layer

**Close out all layers except the background layer

(I tend to work from the bottom to the top)

*Mask Layer...Create a new raster...MW and C&P into selection a paper of choice

Apply mask of choice...Merge Group

*Raster 1 layer...MW the darker Rectangles and C&P paper 4...Deselect the MW the 

lighter Rectangles and C&P into selection paper 1

*Merged (1) layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with a color from

the kit or tube...Apply some noise

*Merged (2) layer...MW 3 of the small Rectangles...Flood Fill with a color from

the kit or tube...Apply some noise...MW the other 3 of the small Rectangles...Flood 

Fill with white...Apply some noise to the first colored rectangles

*Raster 2 layer...Select a different color from your kit...Using your Change 

to Target Brush...swipe it over the checkered patterned this will create a small 

colored outline within the pattern

*Merged (3) layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with a color from

the kit or tube...Apply some noise

*Raster 4 layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 1

*Raster 3 layer...Select All/Float/Defloat...Flood Fill with a color from

the kit or tube...Apply some noise

C&P Elements: 

*Close Up...C&P as a new layer...Slide the tube beneath Raster 3 layer...

MW inside the frame on Raster 3...Expand by 2...Invert/Delete..Opacity 80%

Blend Mode Hard Light

*Full Tube...C&P as a new layer...RS by 85% 2xs position in the center 

of the design

*Frame 4...C&P as a new layer...Placed above the green frame layer

Erase any spikes that surpass the full tube

*Element 46...C&P as a new layer...Place above the Purple Frame layer

slide to one side...Duplicate/Mirror...Merge Down

*Element 18...C&P as a new layer...Place above the Purple Frame layer

slide to one side...RS by 55%...Duplicate/Mirror...Merge Down

*Element 3...C&P as a new layer...Place to the right...Erase the

clasp of the element

*Element 42...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the Speaker layer...Slide

towards the bottom of the canvas

Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark

Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done