Coffee Gal

This Tutorial was written by Chasunicorn

on April 15, 2014.


Tube by Zlata_M HERE

Cafe Mocha Scrap Kit by Abstract Creations HERE

Template 207 by Elegant Inspirations HERE

Mask of Choice



Drop Shadow:

Whatever you prefer

Some Abbreviations I use:

C&P~Copy and Paste


DS~Drop Shadow

MW~Magic Wand


**Open template and Duplicate

Close original and delete Credit layer

**Close out all layers except the background layer

(I tend to work from the bottom to the top)

*Background layer...MW and C&P into selection paper 5

Apply Mask of Choice and Merge Group

*2 Brown Glitter Circles layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 10

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*2 Cream Circles 2 layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 3

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*Brown Dotted 4 layer...Add Some Noise

*2 Glitter Green Circles layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 2

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*2 Cream Circles layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 3

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*Brown Dotted 3 layer...Add Some Noise

*2 Brown Circles layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 10

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*Cream Strips 2 layer...Change Blend Mode To Overlay

*White Dotted 3 layer...Change Blend Mode To Soft Light

*Blue Glitter Circle layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 1

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*Cream Circle 2 layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 3

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*Brown Dotted 2 layer...Add Some Noise

*Brown Circle 1 layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 10

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*White Dotted 2 layer...Change Blend Mode To Soft Light

*Cream Circle 1 layer...MW and C&P as a new layer paper 3

Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

*Brown Dotted 1 layer...Add Some Noise

*Tri Color Rectangles layer...MW the Brown Rectangle and C&P as a new 

layer paper 10...Invert/Delete...Merge paper and shape layers together

MW the Green Rectangle and C&P as a new layer paper 2 Invert/Delete...

Merge paper and shape layers together

MW the Blue rectangle and C&P as a new layer paper 1...Invert/Delete...

Merge paper and shape layers together

*Cream Strips 1 layer...Change Blend Mode To Overlay

*White Dotted 1 layer...Change Blend Mode To Soft Light

C&P Elements: 

*Element 48...C&P as a new layer...RS by 65%...Mirror and slide to the 

bottom right of the canvas...Duplicate/Flip and Mirror...Merge these 

layers together

*Element 58...C&P as a new layer...RS by 65%...Place behind Cream Circle2

Slide under the floral cluster...Duplicate/Flip/Mirror...Merge These layers

*Element 6...C&P as a new layer...RS by 65%...Place behind the Rectangle layer

*Element 1...C&P as a new layer...RS by 65%...Duplicate and place behind 

the rectangle layer

*Element 43...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75%...Place to the left of the canvas

under the floral bunch

*Element 44...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the Brown Circle1...Mirror/Duplicate

Mirror/Flip/Merge Down

*Element 60...C&P as a new layer...Place along the bottom of the tag under the 

bottom floral bunch and one of the piles of coffee beans

*Element 18...C&P as a new layer...Place behind the bottom floral bunch...

Free Rotate to the left by 40

*Element 10...C&P as a new layer...Place to the left of the canvas 

towards the bottom...RS by 45%...Place behind the brown ribbon

*Element 5...C&P as anew layer...Duplicate..Free Rotate by 90 to the left 

one of the copies...Mirror the other copy and arrange to your liking

*Element 27...C&P as a new layer...RS by 75%...Place to the bottom of the template

Duplicate and Mirror

*Element 26...C&P as a new layer...Place to the top of the middle circle layers

behind the Rectangle layer...RS by 75%

*Element 49...C&P as a new layer...RS to your liking and place between the blue floral bunch

*Element 2...C&P as a new layer...RS to your liking...Place next to the coffee pot

Add your preferred Tube where you think it looks best

Add your name, Copyright info and Watermark

Re-Size your tag if you want to and you are done