Compulsory Free Capture Rule

When compulsory capture is required in a board game, there are at least two different degrees to which this can be enforced. For example, one player in a game of Checkers may on their turn, have two different series of jumps available to them both of which take more than one opposing counter. In this example, one series of jumps captures four opposing counters and another allows for three, but the move with less captures leaves the player in a more advantageous position at its end. Some variations will require the player to always make the longer the series of jumps which I here call the Compulsory Maximum Capture Rule. Other variations will allow the capturing player to choose any capturing move, provided that a capture is made. This is the Compulsory Free Capture Rule.

Another confusing situation, which is often overlooked in rulebooks, involves capturing opposing promoted counters in games with promotion (many Checkers variations have promotions). Do promoted counters then count for more value than unpromoted counters. I usually prefer the guideline that an unpromoted counter and a promoted counter will both count as one counter when finding the maximum capture.