
Achi commences with the above board vacant of counters.

Alternate Names

Similar or identical games known from Africa are called Carabawg, Epelle, Fanorona Telo, and Santaraj.

No. of Players



An Achi Board as above and four each of black and white counters are required for play.


Achi is a game played in Ghana and by the Yoruba people of Nigeria.


The objective is to get three counters of your color in a row.


Players start with alternate turns placing each of their four counters at any of the vacant intersections on the board. Play is then continued by alternate turns of moving the counters to any neighboring vacant intersection until one player gets three in a row along any line, diagonal or orthogonal.


  1. Provenzo, Asterie Baker and Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr. Play It Again, Historic Board Games You Can Make and Play. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1981. ISBN 0-13-683367-5

  2. Pentagames. Compiled by Pentagram. 1990. Fireside, Simon & Schuster Inc. ISBN 0-671-72529-7.