
No. of Players



The Anchor board is a hexagonal grid with 8 hexagons per side. Also, approximately 100 each of black and white stones are required for play.


Anchor was invented by Steven Meyers in 2000.


The game ends when both players pass consecutively. Then both players tabulate their score and the player with the higher score wins. A player gains one point for each vacant hexagonal cell that they have surrounded and one point for each opposing stone they have captured.


The game begins with the board vacant of counters. The stones are placed inside the cells and one player drops a black stone at any vacant cell on the board (and they are all vacant at this point). the other player then decides which color he will play. White continues. With alternate turns, players place a single stone of their color at any vacant position on the board or they may pass their turn.




  1. Neto, Joāo Pedro and Jorge Nuno Silva. Mathematical Games, Abstract Games. Dover Publications, Inc. 2013. ISBN 978-0-486-49990-1