Le Zug

Le Zug Opening Position

Alternate Names

Le Zug appears to be an amalgamate of French and German meaning "The Course".

No. of Players



A Le Zug board and twelve each of black and white counters are required for play. The first four rows on either side of the board are considered the camp of the player that starts there. A 16x16 square grid may be substituted for the standard Le Zug board, playing the counters at the intersections. Also, a 17x17 checkered square grid has been used playing the counters on the cells.


The origin of this game is not known. It is played in France.


The objective of both players is to cross the board.


The game commences with the counters positioned as above. Note, however, that each player has three counters positioned in their second row that may start at any position of their owner’s choosing, so long as they are in the second row. Alternate turns entail the movement of one friendly counter according the rules described here. Counters move diagonally forward along the marked lines to a vacant position in the next row or may, by the short jump, jump over an adjacent counter of either player to a necessarily vacant intersection just beyond. Jumps may be enchained and are not compulsory. A counter that performs a single or enchained multiple jumping move makes an additional diagonal step forward after the jumping moves are completed as a bonus.

A player may not enter any of his or her counters into the enemy camp while they still have any number of their own counters in their home camp.


The same game may be played on other boards.

Opening positions for Le Zug on the 17x17 square grid checkerboard and, with counters played on the intersections, on the the 16x16 square grid.
