
Alternate Names

Northcott's Game

No. of Players



Any size of rectangular board may be utilized for this game. Each player commences with one counter at any location in a column. Above, all of the counters are shown at the start of the game aligned along the edges of the board. This may somewhat simplify the game, but it is not necessary. Each counter could be placed at any location along its column, above or below the opposing counter of the opposite color that is also in that column. Any configuration will work, so long as both players have one counter of their own color in each column.


Tiouk-tiouk is closely related to Nim, and, like that game, may indeed be very ancient.


The last player to be able to make a legal move wins the game.


Alternate turns entail a player moving one of his own counters any number of cells towards the opposing counter that also is also in that column. There is no jumping, capturing or replacement. Once the two opposing counters in the same column are adjacent to each other, both counters are blocked and can move no further for that game.


