Tant Fant

Opening Position

No. of Players



An Achi board and three each of black and white counters are required for play.


Tant Fant originates from India.


This game is very similar to Achi or Three Men’s Morris and the objective is to attain three counters in a row, orthogonal or diagonal. A row that is formed along the lines initially occupied by either player’s counters does not entitle a victory. Thus, there are six positions in which a player may win the game.


The game opens with each player’s counters already in place along opposite sides, as above. The game entails alternate turns of moving the counters to any neighboring vacant intersection until one player gets three in a row along any line, diagonal or orthogonal.


Analysis has shown that the game is a draw with perfect play.


Tant Fant is very similar to all of the following games:


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tant_Fant