Tsoro Yematatu

The board is one of the simplest boards known to be used for board games, with only seven positions for counters. The game commences with the board vacant of counters.

Alternate Names

The name Tsoro Yematatu means “Stone Game played with Three”.

No. of Players



A Tsoro Yematatu board and three each of black and white counters are required for play.


This game is played in Zimbabwe.


This game has a simple objective: to attain three friendly counters in a row along any straight line.


First, players alternate placing a counter of their color at any vacant position on the board. After all six counters have been placed the alternating turns entail the movement of a single friendly counter along a line to an adjacent vacant position (the only vacant position). In the event that a player is not able to move any of her counters, she may make a jump move, jumping over an adjacent counter of either player to the vacant position just beyond in a straight line. There is no capture.


This game may very well be the simplest board game ever created. Nevertheless a strategy may be developed with careful and thoughtful analysis.
