
Opening Position

No. of Players



A Madelinette board and three each of black and white counters are required for play. This simple game could easily be played with paper and pencil while using some coins for counters or it could easily be drawn in sand or dirt and played with pebbles.


This game was probably probably invented by Jeff and Jennie Loader for their book, Making Board, Peg and Dice Games. There seems to be no reference to this game before the publishing of this book.


Both players’ objective is to immobilize their opponent’s counters.


Players alternate turns moving their counters along a line to an adjacent vacant intersection, attempting to block their opponent’s legal moves.


In one variation, each player enters their counters alternately into play, and when all are placed movement may begin.


  1. Loader, Jeff and Jennie Loader. Making Board, Peg & Dice Games. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 1993. ISBN 978-0946819409