Five-field Kono

Five-field Kono Opening Position

Alternate Names

O-Pat-Ko-No, Exchange Kono

No. of Players



A 4x4 square grid and seven each of black and white counters are required for play.


This game originates from Korea.


Five-field Kono is a simplistic traversal game; meaning that the objective is to get your counters across the board to other side. Upon completion, all of your counters will occupy the intersections previously occupied by your opponent at the start of the game.


Counters are placed at the intersections at the start of the game as above and move either diagonally forward or diagonally backward across a square to an unoccupied intersection. There are no jumps or captures.


A larger version is played on a 5x5 square grid with each player commencing with eight counters. The boards are sometimes drawn to more accurately reflect the counters’ movements with diagonal lines.


  1. Pentagames. Compiled by Pentagram. 1990. Fireside, Simon & Schuster Inc. ISBN 0-671-72529-7.