Byzantine Round Chess

Alternate Names

Circular Chess, Round Chess, Zatrikion. The Persian author Amuli called this game shatranj al-muddawara (circular chess) or shatranj al-Rûmîya (Roman or Byzantine Chess) in 1325 CE.

No. of Players



A Circular Chess Board and a standard set of Orthochess pieces are required to play the modern game. These are one black set and one white set of 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 1 queen, and 1 king. The older game, however, probably used pieces more akin to those of Shatranj.


In 947, Muraj adh-dhahab (Fields of Gold) by the Arabic historian Abu al-Hassan Ali ibn al-Husain ibn Ali ibn Ali ibn Abdullah al-Masudi (888-956) was written in Arabic. It was a history of chess in India and Persia. al-Masudi is known as the Herodotus of the Arabs. He was the first to combine history and scientific geography in a large-scale work. He wrote a 30-volume history of the world. He described 6 different variants of chess, including Astrological Chess, Byzantine round chess, Circular Chess and Cylinder Chess. He wrote about chess wagers in India, with the loser losing money or a finger or hand or more. He described the use of ivory in India to make chess pieces.


The objective is the same as in most forms of Chess. A player's victory is achieved by placing their opponent in checkmate (often shortened to mate). Checkmate is a game position in which a player's king piece is in check (threatened with capture) and there is no legal way to remove the threat.

Both players may agree to a draw or stalemate without capture, but if a player is not in check and has no legal move the game is to immediately end with draw.




Citadel Chess is a variant described by the Persian author Amuli with two "citadel" spaces in the center of the board and a different initial setup. In the citadel game, if a king reaches the citadel, a draw is forced. Citadel Chess Board

Historical Circular Chess

Historical Circular Chess Opening


  1. The Circular Chess Society.

  2. Wall, Bill. Earliest Chess Books and References.

  3. Pritchard, D.B. The Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Completed, edited, and published by John Beasley, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9555168-0-1