
Star commences with the board vacant of counters.

No. of Players



A Star board 38 black stones and 37 white stones are required for play.


Star is a connection board game, developed as an evolution from earlier connection games like Hex and Y by Craige Schensted (later known as Ea Ea) It was first published in 1983 in Games magazine.


At the end of the game the players count their scores. A "star" is a group of connected stones belonging to one player that touches at least three partial edge hexagons. The score of a star is the number of edge hexagons it touches minus two. A player's score is the total of all the stars of that player's color. The player with the higher score wins.

For any given board, the total final score of the two players is constant.


Alternate turns entail the placement of a single friendly counter at any vacant position on the board, although players may not place stones on the partial hexagons at the edges of the board; these are used for scoring. This game utilizes the pie rule, allowing the second player to take the position of the first after he places the first counter. A player may pass their turn and the game is over when both players pass.

Above is shown a complete game with victory for White. Both players have formed two stars. White's two stars touch 14 and 7 partial edge hexagons for a total score of (14-2) + (7-2) = 17. Black's two stars touch 7 and 11 partial edge hexagons for a total score of (7-2) + (11-2) = 14.




  1. Browne, Cameron. Connection Games: Variations on a Theme. A K Peters/CRC Press, 2005. ISBN 978-1568812243