Three Musketeers
No. of Players
The game is played on the cells of a 5x5 square grid. Three "musketeer" counters and twenty-two "enemy" counters of a different color than the Musketeers are required for play.
Three Musketeers was first published in Sid Sackson's A Gamut of Games in 1969.
The player controlling the Three Musketeers will win if they run out of legal moves. Enemies win if all three musketeers are ever on the same line or column.
The board is setup as shown above. One player controls the Three Musketeer counters and the other controls the enemy counters. Alternate tuns entail the movement of a single friendly counter with the Musketeers player moving first, but the moves are different for the two players. Musketeers can only move to adjacent spaces occupied by an enemy piece, which is then captured and removed from the board by this move. Enemies can only move to empty adjacent cells.
Sackson, Sid. A Gamut of Games. Castle Books, New Tork, 1969.