Mulinello Quadrupio

Mulinello Quadrupio is played on the Alquerque board and the game commences with the board vacant of counters.

No. of Players



An Alquerque board and five each of black and white counters are required for play.


This game is described by J. Gelli, who described it in his Come posso divertirmi e divertire gli altri (1959). It may have been invented by him, but a row forming game played on the Alquerque board seems historically inevitable.


The winner is the first to achieve five of their own counters in a line: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.


Initially, players take alternate turns placing their counters upon the intersections of the board. After all counters have been placed, play continues allowing each player to move a single counter to any neighboring vacant intersection. The goal is to achieve five pieces along any marked line. There are twelve lines along which this may occur.


  1. Gelli, Jacopo. Come posso divertirmi e divertire gli altri. Ulrico Hoepli, 1959.