Peg Solitaire

Opening Position for English Solitaire

Alternate Names

Chinese Checkers has been used to refer to Peg solitaire games in general, but this term should be retained to refer to the multi-player Chinese Checkers game described here. Note that the single-player family of card games called Solitaire are probably best referred to as Patience.

No. of Players

As the name would imply, typically only one player is involved in a competition against the game. The game may be thought of as a board game puzzle. Competitions using peg solitaire games for two or more players may be devised.


There are a large variety of solitaire boards which have been invented and used and probably an infinite amount that could still be unknown. Quite often, the game is made and/or marketed as a board with holes which are made to contain the pegs that are used as counters.


Elaborate maritime Solitaire board from the House on the Rock in Spring Green, Wisconsin, USA.

The game or, more accurately, puzzle of solitaire is oft reported to be invented by a French nobleman while imprisoned during the Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century. This story, however, is only an inaccurate legend and it turns out that solitaire had already been around for quite some time. The French, however, did bring solitaire into popularity and the game retains its French name.


The objectives vary but the most common is to start with a single hole vacant on the board and end up with a single counter (peg) at the end of the game. In variations, a player may start with some pattern on the board (several holes vacant) and then attempt to reduce to just one. In other variations, players may attempt to form some pattern of pegs at the end of the game. The complement problem, which is not attainable on all boards, is where one begins with a single hole vacant and ends the game with only one peg left in that initially vacant hole. Marketed version of these games often give ranks to players depending on how many pegs they have left on the board. For example:


The only moves allowed are jump and capture moves. On a move, a counter may only jump over a neighboring counter to an immediately opposite vacant hole. On almost all boards these jumps are strictly orthogonal (a hexagonal space may allow up to six different orthogonal jumps). The 13-Hole Diamond Solitaire board, however, is an exception and allows diagonal jumps (without them no single peg problem on the board is solvable). A counter that is jumped over is removed from the board.



Here are several of the most common boards and problems in peg solitaire. For reference, I have marked all boards used for solitaire with red at the position(s) of the typical initial vacancy. This is not, however, to say that this is the only initially vacant position from which the puzzle can be solved.

English Solitaire Board This board is customary in England and Germany. It has been marketed as Hi-Q.

French Solitaire Board Also known as the continental solitaire board, this board is customary in France and Sweden. It appears on the earliest known printed reference to peg solitaire, an engraving dated 1697. It has 37 holes.

21-Hole Cross Solitaire Board

27-Hole Cross Solitaire Board

39-Hole Cross Solitaire Board

45-Hole Cross Solitaire Board This is one of the first Solitaire boards to appear in print, in 1779 by J.C. Wiegleb.

49-Hole Cross Solitaire Board

Asymmetrical 3-3-2-2 as described by George Bell, 20th century

32-Hole Diamond Solitaire Board This board can alternatively be obtained by using the diagonals of an 8x8 square grid or checkerboard. As a Solitaire board, it is solvable with any single cell initially vacant.

41-Hole Diamond Solitaire Board This board can alternatively be obtained by using the diagonals of a 9x9 square grid.

13-Hole Diamond Solitaire Board

10-Hole Triangular Solitaire Board

15-Hole Triangular Solitaire Board This Solitaire version seems to be the most popular one played in the U.S.

21-Hole Triangular Solitaire Board

28-Hole Triangular Solitaire Board

36-Hole Triangular Solitaire Board

55-Hole Triangular Solitaire Board

5x5 Square Grid Solitaire Board

6x6 Square Grid Solitaire Board

9x9 Square Grid Solitiare Board

Snowflake Puzzle or Star of David is solvable with any single cell initially vacant

Hexagon Solitiare

Picaria Solitaire or Viking Solitaire is played with counters at the intersections.

Chinese Checkers Solitaire often commences with the central position vacant, but every single vacancy complement problem is solvable on this board. It is played with counters at the intersection.

Nine Man Solitaire Jump one piece over another to take it off the board, along rows, columns or diagonally Aim to leave just one piece in the center.

There are several Peg Solitaire games that have been devised to play on the English and French Solitaire boards. All of the same rule apply, only the game commences with less counters on the board:

