24 vs 1 on Alquerque Board

Alternate Names

Twenty-four son arrested Wang Lun, 二十四子抓王倫

No. of Players



An Alquerque board, twenty-four "soldier" counters, one capturing "Wang Lun" counter are required for play.


This game is played in Liaocheng, Shandong Province, China.



    • Chess pieces are on point. Only when the initial arrangement, rounds soldiers focused on the same point of chess, but can not be together again after moving at the same point. When eaten, but also can only take one.

    • Lun on the chessboard midpoint. Officers then placed in the middle of the square corners of the chess board point, put six points each chess.

  • Any piece oblique vertical and horizontal lines are to be required to move on the chessboard.

    • Each turn is moved along the soldiers of their own child to empty chess point.

    • Lun each round in order to select either of the following actions:

        • Sub-shift: moving along their own child to the empty adjacent points.

        • Captures: Skip soldiers along an adjacent point fall in the same direction abuts a null point, and then skipped out of enemy chess board is no longer used.

    • Lun parties to mitigate soldiers less than ten wins.

  • Soldiers can not move side to let Lun win.



Streaky Stretch Chess (繃五花棋) from Henan Province, China seems to be the same only with two, rather than one attacker counters, initially arranged at the positions to the immediate left and right of the center node. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B9%83%E4%BA%94%E8%8A%B1%E6%A3%8B

Canadian Camp (from computer translation) is played in the Shandong Province of China and allows the initial placement of the "tiger" attacker to be placed arbitrarily in any two empty positions by that player.