JChallenge Class All

Here are some ideas that apply to all challenges.

Examples of challenges in this class:

  1. A decision to make
  2. A goal we want to reach
  3. A difficult situation we want to improve
  4. A problem to resolve
  5. A project to complete


  1. Clearly describe the challenge in writing
  2. Enumerate some possible next steps and place the best choices at the top
  3. Start working on the next steps
  4. Celebrate even small successes
  5. Describe the vision of what meeting the challenge looks like


  1. google.com
    1. I can frequently just type in my question as a google search and get useful answers --Bryan
  2. trello.com
    1. I find it useful for structuring and tracking challenges --Bryan
  3. inbox.google.com
    1. Excellent email client. The Snooze feature is amazing -- it let's me easily bring the email back in the future for follow up or when I have more time to deal with it. --Bryan
  4. drive.google.com
    1. Excellent tool --Bryan
  5. jdecision.com
    1. Awesome structured decision making tool --Bryan (co-founder)