2012 Primary Election

  • My choice: Ron Paul
  • Ron Paul
    • To me, Ron Paul is the clear choice. Even though Romney has the the nomination sewn up, Ron Paul has vastly superior integrity and the knowledge of the proper role of government.
  • Romney
    • He has repeatedly changed his position, seemingly based on what position he is campaigning to obtain.
  • My choice: Liljenquist
  • Liljenquist - http://www.danforutah.com/issues/
    • He has a long list of issues with which I mostly agree. They conflict a great deal with Hatch's actions during his many years in the Senate.
  • Hatch
    • Orrin Hatch has shown by his actions that he has little regard for the Constitution or the proper role of government. Even many of the things he seems proud of (e.g., SCHIP) is a serious violation of the Constitution. In my opnion Hatch is about as corrupt as politicians get. I don't agree with all of Dan's positions, but they are much better than Hatch's.
  • My choice: Pearson
  • Pearson's philosophy of government is great!
  • Nay doesn't even have a web site - it's difficult to find anything about him
  • My choice: Swallow
  • Swallow - http://www.johnswallow.com/
    • Talks about how he has doubled the size of the public lands litigation team. I'm not sure litigating is the right answer. Nullification is more appropriate.
    • I like his stated support for sherriffs against federal intrusion
    • Good statement of principles, but it's hard to tell them apart
    • Mike Lee endorses him -- to me that's a plus
  • Reyes - http://www.seanreyes.com/
    • Based on his issues list, he seems like he would increase government intrusion in our lives instead of decrease it
    • I was very disappointed in a robo-call from Reyes that criticized super-pacs in general. I believe super-pacs are simply another example of free speech so I strongly disagree with Reyes on this issue.
    • Bob Bennett endorses him, which is a great reason to vote for the other guy.
  • My choice: John Dougall
    • There have been numerous issues in recent years that a good auditor should have flagged such as with the liquor business and UTA.
  • Johnson - http://www.austonjohnsoncpa.info/
    • Utah is one of only 13 states with a AAA bond rating
    • is a CPA with significant audit experience
  • Dougall - http://jdougall.com/
    • I like his and others explanation about why CPA credentials aren't essential.
    • I like the endorsements as to his integrity.
  • My choice: Layton
  • Dana Layton
    • For
      • Disagrees with Brad's promotion of an Article V convention to amend the Constitution. I'm with Dana on this.
      • I like Dana's assertion that we need to limit state as well as federal government. Daw wants to limit federal government, but he keeps expanding state government.
      • Wants more money for education, but won't raise taxes to do it.
    • Against
  • Brad Daw
    • For
    • Against
      • He strongly promotes an Article V convention to amend the Constitution. I believe far too many people are ignorant of the principles of good government to risk wholesale changing of the Constitution. Keep in mind the last few presidents we elected. In addition, most of our elected representatives refuse to obey the one we have.
      • Brad believes in providing financial incentives to select industries and businesses to promote jobs. I believe this is seriously wrong.
      • He continues to promote measures at the state level that intrude on individual rights.
      • I very much dislike Daw's complaints about the flyers that have come out against him. To me, the flyers are an exercise of free speech.
  • My choice: Grierson
  • Ellertson
    • incumbant
    • can't find any web site
  • Grierson - http://www.votegrierson.org/
    • His web site doesn't seem to say anything useful.
    • In a debate he repeatedly said: "We need to get out of the business of being in business," I like that. He used the Provo Convention Center as a bad example. I think he's right.