Principles of Good Government

Below are some principles of good government, used to help select good representatives and in voting on issues.

  1. Minimize the scope and power of government because

    1. People tend to be wiser about spending their own money than someone else's

    2. There is nothing more permanent than a temporary government program

    3. People who seek power over others tend to keep it by taking away freedom from others

    4. The private sector is always more efficient than the public sector

    5. Many believe they know the solution to the problems in society and don't mind forcing others to obey their view

  2. Generally it's better to elect representatives to run government instead of using popular votes because

    1. Most people are not very bright or at least haven't learned the principles of good government and how to analyze logically

    2. Many people can be swayed by dishonest soundbites

  3. Our representatives should run government transparently, including how they vote

  4. Don't vote for a candidate who refuses to take a position on anything

  5. A constitutional republic is ideal because it protects everyone with the rule of law including the minority

  6. Our representatives should have high ethical standards and to avoid even the appearance of unethical behavior