My Guide for Improving my Health

I'm overweight, have type 2 diabetes, and am having trouble maintaining a proper blood sugar level. This page is a list of guidelines to help me improve my health. Collaboration would be appreciated.

  1. Avoid sugar like the plague

  2. Wait until you're hungry to eat. Your body will tell you when it needs food; however, separate the need to eat (physical sensation of gnawing hunger) from a desire to just enjoy eating.

  3. Eat mindfully - take the time to enjoy the food and don't eat while doing other things. Eating is sometimes done as a habit while we're doing other things such as watching TV.

  4. When practical choose the activity that takes more work (e.g., take stairs instead of elevator, park away from your destination so you need to walk more).

  5. Identify certain foods that you're allowed to eat in unlimited amounts (e.g., complex carbohydrates such as broccoli, beets).

  6. When eating carbohydrates, first eat some healthy fat or protein since it has a significant effect on blood sugar (e.g., doesn't rise near as much). -

  7. Eat slowly

  8. Identify some good fats and keep them on hand

    1. Eggs

    2. Cashews

    3. Almonds

    4. Cottage cheese

    5. Tuna

    6. Salmon

    7. Cheese

  9. Identify some good proteins and keep them on hand

    1. Eggs

    2. Beans such as kidney, black, or pinto

    3. Turkey slices

    4. Tuna

    5. Salmon

  10. Identify some good complex carbohydrates and keep them on hand

    1. Beets

    2. Celery

    3. Carrots

    4. Salad