
On one end of the spectrum, there are those who believe vaccinations are part of a global conspiracy to reduce the population of the world, and on the other everyone should be forced to be vaccinated to eliminate the disease. This page is an exploration of this topic.

What is a vaccination

Here's an overview of vaccination from Wikipedia.

Basically a vaccination is exposing someone's body to a substance that encourages greater immunity against a serious disease.

Are vaccinations effective?

Some claim vaccinations are completely ineffective and even harmful. Others claim they are highly effective. What is the truth?

Forced Vaccination

Some believe the benefits of large scale vaccination outweigh the problems and are willing to use coercion to achieve the goal. Of course most believe in individual freedom, but in this case they believe losing a little freedom is justified for the greater good.


My conclusions

  1. Just watched the documentary Vaxxed -- seems very credible and disturbing. I recommend everyone see it; need to push for elimination of the law that treats vaccinations differently than all other medicines when it comes to safety and testing and liability.
  2. For me it's really hard to verify whether vaccines are effective or harmful. So many studies seem seriously flawed and there are many conflicts of interest.
  3. Vaccinations seem like a legitimate way to protect people from diseases. The basic science seems solid.
  4. I don't trust governments and corporations to protect my interests -- I have to take responsible for that myself and they shouldn't take this right and responsibility from me.
  5. I tend to avoid highly processed foods, herbal remedies, medicines as much as possible because it's so hard to understand the effects. I prefer the strategy of eating a variety of healthy foods and let the body fight the disease.
  6. I'm strongly opposed to forcing others to do something for their own good. The bar is pretty darn high for forcing others to do something for the good of society (e.g., drivers license). I'm against forced vaccination.