Can the ends justify the means?

Yesterday at lunch, I made the comment that the ends don't justify the means and that it's inappropriate to do something wrong to achieve something right. The context was discussing how Jared's political philosophies conflict with my principles. I would be wrong to support governmental programs that violate my understanding of correct principles.

Woody attempted to refute this notion using the train/baby scenario, asking variations of whether I would choose to kill a baby to save a train load of people, the idea being that killing a baby would be wrong, but may be justified to save many people. I felt that something was wrong with the argument and have given it more thought.

There is more than one way to be morally wrong when faced with such a decision. One is to violate ones' own understanding of right and wrong. For example, I'd be morally wrong if I make the decision based on an expectation of getting a monetary reward for choosing to save one party over another.

Another way be be morally wrong is if I fail to take reasonable care in preparing for such a decision. In this case there's no practical way I know of to do that except to qualify for help from God in making such a decision. He's in a much better position to know which choice is best. While I'm expected to do the best I can in becoming wise, I have faith that he will help me after I've done what I can.

In the absence of help from God to overrule my understanding of correct principles, I believe it would be wrong to intentionally kill a baby, even if it's to save more people. I could sacrifice my own life in such a situation, but I have no right to make the decision for someone else. In other words, I'm not aware of a higher principle that would allow me to sacrifice the baby to save more lives.

Someone may think that I'm promoting moral relativism with my position, but that isn't true. While someone can only be held accountable according to their understanding of correct principles, correct principles don't change, only our understanding of them. Discovering those principles and following them will assure happiness in the long term.