When you bring up a problem, it may be good to include a possible solution


  1. People will sometimes talk about problems with others without any thought to taking action that may help. This tends to make everyone miserable. Instead consider that you think about action that will help solve the problem and to actually try to solve it with action instead of just talking about it.

  2. Sometimes we may bring a problem to our bosses' attention and that can be a good thing. Next time you do this consider presenting a possible solution as well. Consider that just mentioning the problem may add to the bosses' stress. This can be reduced if we disclose how the problem may be resolved.

  3. Counter illustration or exception

    1. It's almost always a bad idea to offer advice. It communicates that you don't believe someone can handle their own problems, puts pressure on them to follow yours, and they can blame you if it doesn't work.