Utah Senate District 15 (General) - Grover

Keith Grover Rep http://keithgrover.com/

  • I like his website and stated core values

He has been serving in the Utah House so I can look at some indexes (e.g., Libertas)

Lee D. Houghton United Utah

  • Can’t find any information on his views

Tommy Williams Ind American

  • Can’t find any information on views

Utah House District 60 (General) - Daw :-(

Brad Daw Rep

  • Pushing a medical cannabis law that only allows terminally ill patients to use medical cannabis. This seriously interferes with the right of individuals to find solutions to their medical problems. We should not treat patients as criminals.

Alan F. Keele Dem

  • Can’t find any info on him

Filed County Candidates

Attorney (Primary) * Leavitt

David O. Leavitt Rep https://davidleavitt.com/

  • Seems to have good experience
  • Does seem to be more of a politician
  • I really like his web page. He was willing to speak out on why he’s a better choice with specific examples that make sense to me. I really like his emphasis on treating each case independently without undue political bias.

W. Andrew McCullough Libertarian http://www.andrewmccullough.org/

  • Supports full legalization of pot, but no other info

Clerk/Auditor * Powers

Jason Christensen Ind American - https://www.heraldextra.com/special-section/candidates/2018/general/jason-christensen/article_6510655c-c8c5-11e8-ba9a-eb07563ae2f8.html

  • Makes an interesting point about voter fraud in 2017

Amelia Powers Rep

  • Looks like she has very good experience

Commission A (Primary) * Ainge

Teri McCabe United Utah http://vote4teri.com/

-- Poor issues page

Tanner Ainge Rep https://www.tannerainge.org/

  • It’s hard to figure out his principles - no issues page

Commission B (General) * Bill Lee

Bill Lee Rep http://www.electbilllee.org

++ Excellent issues page

Jeanne Bowen Dem

-- Very poor issues page

Sheriff (Primary) * Mike Smith

Mike Smith Rep http://www.mikesmith.vote

  • An okay issues page - some good ideas
  • His experience seems better - started as a volunteer and moved through the ranks to PG police chief

Alpine Local Scroll Board District 5 - not voting for anyone

Ada Wilson

  • She has been my precinct chair for a while and her views don’t represent me well

Seth Marble - has withdrawn

US Senate * Craig Bowden

Tim Aalders Constitution TimAalders@live.com https://timaalders.com/

+- Some good some bad. I object to his focus on denying free medical benefits to illegals. Nobody deserves to have money forcibly taken from them and given to others.

Craig Bowden Libertarian admin@bowden4senate.com www.Bowden4senate.com

+++ Very good platform

Reed McCandless Ind. American reedforussenateutah@gmail.com https://mccandlessforussenate.com/

-- Poor website. No personal issues page - just includes independent party platform. Improper mixing of religion and politics.

Jenny Wilson Democratic jenny@wilsonforsenate.com https://wilsonforsenate.com/

--- Mostly disagree with her platform

Mitt Romney Republican MITT@ROMNEYFORUTAH.COM RomneyForUtah.com

--- He’s far too liberal for me. For example, he wants to force pharm. Companies to be more even with prices for consumers in other countries. It’s very inappropriate for government to do this.

US House District 3 * Duerden

John Curtis Republican john@johncurtis.org https://curtis.house.gov/

  • Only got to the primary through signatures. Seems too liberal for me.
  • His issues pages are pretty awful - poorly written and saying very little

James Singer Democratic jcouragesinger@gmail.com www.jamessinger.org

--- Wow. What an awful platform.

+ Wants to legalize cannabis

Gregory Duerden Ind. American gcduerden@gmail.com www.gregorycduerden.com

-- Poorly thought out positions on several issues - wants to spend more militarily and a cap on campaign spending.

+ I like a few of his positions

Timothy L. Zeidner United Utah zeidner4congress@gmail.com http://zeidnerforcongress.com/

-- Some positions I disagree with such as term limits - just gives more power to political parties

+ I like some of his positions such Ranked Choice Voting

- Seems like very little of substance

State Judicial








Constitutional Amendment A - increases military tax exemption - No

  • I’d prefer to eliminate the tax exemption and voting yes would increase its use.
  • https://elections.utah.gov/Media/Default/2018%20Election/Issues%20on%20the%20Ballot/Postings/Constitutional%20Amendment%20A.pdf

Constitutional Amendment B - allow tax exemption for property leased to the state - No

  • This seems like an underhanded way to give people with connections added benefit at everyone else’s expense.
  • https://elections.utah.gov/Media/Default/2018%20Election/Issues%20on%20the%20Ballot/Postings/Constitutional%20Amendment%20B.pdf

Constitutional Amendment C - allow President of the senate to call a special legislative session - No

Non-binding Opinion Question #1 - Potential Gas Tax Increase for Public Education and Local Roads

  • Utah government has grown far beyond appropriate boundaries. Spend less - don’t increase taxes.

Proposition #2 - Medical cannabis - Yes

  • + There is substantial proof that cannabis can help with certain conditions such as chronic pain. Government should not get between a doctor and patient.
  • There certainly valid concern there will be more DUI problems and more drug use.

Proposition #3 - Increase State Medicaid health coverage - No

  • This appears to create a substantial financial burden. Utah government has far exceeded proper bounds and we shouldn’t add to the problem.

Proposition #4 - create a legislature redistricting commission - No

  • I think gerrymandering is wrong; however, this increases the cost of government and has several problems.

Bond Election - Orem Family Fitness Center and Library Hall - No

  • I’m leaning no. Orem has far exceeded appropriate expenditures and bounds.

Orem - Proposition #5 - No

-- Single family residential zoning is designed to protect residential neighborhoods and it seems like this should have received more support from the city council.

  • The area is almost surrounded by UVU buildings. This is an obvious area to grow. I like that it’s in the private sector, not public.