
JChallenge is a project to discover useful processes and resources to meet life's challenges. Making a decision is one such challenge and jdecision.com is a tool I'm working on to help with that; however, there are many other types of challenges such as: goals, aspirations, projects, and problems. A great deal has been written on the subject in general and to specific challenges -- I'm not attempting to reinvent the wheel, only to collect, aggregate, and organize. Also, everyone is different and may find different strategies best for meeting classes of challenges -- I'd like to understand this better and incorporate it into the guide.

As with any of my projects, I love to collaborate. If you have a comment or suggestion -- feel free to pass it on.

I've structured the remaining content as a guide to meeting any challenge. The idea is that it can be sent to someone who's struggling with a challenge to help them structure their efforts. It's pretty rudimentary for now, but with time and help...

Click here for entry point to the guide.


  • Bryan Kingsford
  • Melanie Kingsford
  • Rich Kingsford