Orem City Council

You can vote for up to 3.

Hans Andersen -++++

- Wasn't specific enough on why Orem was going in the wrong direction

++ opposed to CDAs and RDAs - doesn't like that council is driving out small business and choosing winners and losers

+ I like that he believes private enterprise will take care of economic development

++ I like that his website shows several detailed objections to what Orem has done or plans to do. We need him to watch our for our city.

++ I like that he fought the utopia tax increase and won. The city council seems to have mismanaged the relationship with Utopia.

++ I agree with Hans' position on Prop 1. We should promote ride-sharing businesses, not more UTA. UTA has been mismanaged.

Debby Lauret +----

+ Must strategically plan for growth

-- really don't like her answer on State St. redevelopment - why should the council drive out small business?

- I don't share her feeling that we should all be forced to pay for arts programs

- I'm strongly opposed to her number 1 issue (economic development). Government shouldn't be in this business.

Sam Lentz -++

- Represents the people instead of making the best decision they can

++ I very much like her promotion of recording city council meetings and making them available online

Mark Seastrand --

-- Didn't say anything of substance in the Daily Harold questions part 1

Claude Richards -+++++

- declined to answer Daily Harold questions

+ I liked his response to the issue of the Daily Harold not publishing his answers. I think it's bad for the Herald to not give the questions ahead of time. I like independent questions, but would rather have a well-thought-out response than something off the cuff. It's too easy for the Herald to choose favorites and I don't trust them.

+ I like the position that Utopia should be transferred to the private sector

+ I like his position on the Mall redevelopment - "I am in favor of incentives to promote economic development --- so long as everyone gets the same deal."

++ I like his positions as published on his web site