2011 City of Orem Municipal Primary Candidates

Voter information from Orem City

Please help fill in the bullet points on each candidate and make your own recommendation.

Recommendations: Only vote for Hans Anderson even though you can vote for up to 3. He has a good understanding of the proper role of government, something few on the city council seem to understand. --Bryan Kingsford

City Council Candidates

  1. Hans V. Anderson, Jr.
    1. His web site is at: http://vote4hans.com/
      1. I very much like his position against how Orem has used public funds to both compete with and give some businesses an edge over others.
        1. For example, with Midtown village Orem competed with investment banks by loaning money to the developer
        2. With Utopia, Orem has placed a huge financial liability on us and our children for the benefit of a few
    2. Hans Anderson running for the Orem City Counsel is the son of Hans V. Anderson who wrote the books.
      1. I received this email with the good news that Hans Anderson is running for Orem City Council this November. Hans has been treasurer for Jim Noorlander's Congressional campaigns in the past and his father was H. Verlan Anderson who wrote some of the best books on proper principles of government. - Mel Kingsford
        1. Hello All, My good friend Hans Andersen (son of H. Verlan Andersen), has decided to run for Orem City Council in the election this November. He is a good, solid, patriotic man who understands limited government, liberty and the constitution . . .
          1. Link: http://thirdpartydaily.blogspot.com/2011/07/ut-constitution-party-candidates.html
          2. More on the not-dead Hans Anderson: http://www.utahpolitics.org/archives/000249.shtml
          3. even more: http://www.utah-constitution-party.org/newsletter/nlcenter/20110720/message.html
  2. Margaret Black (incumbent)
    1. Her web site: http://margaretblack.com/
      1. She is proud of her support of CEDO, something I'm very opposed to because it allows government to hand out favors to some businesses at the expense of others.
  3. Dean Dickerson
    1. Web site: http://www.deandickerson.com/
      1. He is proud of his work on accessory apartments. To me Orem is far too strict with their regulation of accessory apartments. This hurts the poor and violates basic freedom.
  4. Mark Seastrand
    1. Web site: http://markseastrand.com/
      1. He's proud of the CARE tax. To me this benefits the rich at the expense of the poor.
  5. Bill Stewart
    1. Web site: http://orem2011council.blogspot.com/
      1. Nothing of substance on his web site that I could find.
  6. Shiree Thirston
    1. Web site: http://www.voteforshiree.com/
      1. I like what she mentions on her web site, although she doesn't say anything about what I consider the most serious problems.
  7. Anietie Wilson
    1. Web site: http://www.voteanietie4citycouncil.com/
      1. She promotes incentives to some businesses, something I strongly oppose
      2. She wants to increase the percentage of owner occupied homes -- to me this is simply an example of statism, something I strongly oppose
  8. John D. VanCott
    1. Web site: ?
    2. Email address: johnvancottre@gmail.com
    3. An email exchange with him