We create our own universe

In some of my readings I've come across the idea that we create our own reality. I think there's a great deal of truth in that idea. This morning I formulated the idea in such a way that I decided to make it #1 in my Rules of Life. That sort of change doesn't happen every day!

In so many ways we create our own universe, so make it a good one

There are a great many ways this sentence can be true. Here are some in which probably everyone agrees:

  1. If we're angry or grumpy about something, we tend to see the bad around us
  2. If we're happy, we tend to see the good around us
  3. If we're angry or grumpy about something, we tend to bring out that attribute in others
  4. If we're happy, we tend to make others happy

I've been interested in understanding biases for some time in order to better understand and manage my own. One of these biases is commonly called, "confirmation bias." Confirmation bias is when you tend to see the evidence that confirms conclusions you've already reached and to dismiss or not even see the evidence that doesn't agree with your conclusions. Confirmation bias is another way this rule is true.

The Law of Attraction supports this rule of life. It can be expressed in the following:

by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life

Some claim this "law" can affect all aspects of our life such as health and relationships. For example, positive thoughts can heal with a prime example being the placebo effect. With relationships, we tend to bring out those attributes in others we think about most. If we think about how negative someone is, we may actually contribute to them being more negative!

I don't know how far this rule goes, but I feel there's enough truth in it for me to spend more time applying it.