From Utah Eagle Forum

Here are some principles I found on the Utah Eagle Forum web site. I think they're pretty good, but need revision.

Government: We believe government exists solely to protect the people's God-given rights.

- This may be offensive to some, but I don't believe God grants rights. Certain rights are inherent and are independent of any individual including God. In addition, including a reference to God unnecessarily alienates non-believers. So I'd replace this one with something like, "We believe the appropriate role of government is to protect an individual's natural rights."

The Constitution: We believe the Constitution was prepared by wise men acting under the inspiration of God, and if honored and followed as the founders intended, it will assure the American people of a national government that will not violate their unalienable rights.

Human Life: We believe in the fundamental human right to life for the unborn, ourselves, and our posterity.

Taxes: We oppose all tax increases and demand tax cuts at every level. We support major cuts in federal spending.

Family: We believe it is the responsibility of every citizen, especially public officials, to oppose philosophies and programs which usurp parental rights or diminish the role of the family.

The Economy: We believe a free market economy is the most effective way to motivate all citizens to be productive and to develop their talents and abilities.

Education: We believe in the right of parents to guide the education of their children without oppressive government regulation.

Elected Officials: We believe that honest wise and good men and women who are committed to constitutional principles should be sought after and supported.

Religious Liberty: We believe the founders of our nation had no intention of separating religion and state institutions. Their intent was to prevent government from establishing a single state religion. The purpose of the first amendment was to guarantee the free expression of religious values in any setting, public or private.