SJR 22 - amendment to limit growth of Utah budget

Here's a link to some information on SJR 22.

Sent the following email to my state senator, Margaret Dayton, on 2/19/2012:

I've recently read about SJR 22 and find it interesting. I'd be interested to know your position.

I very much like the idea of making it more difficult for government to spend beyond our means without adequate safeguards.

SJR 22 may be good, but I'm not sure it's everything I'd like. Consider:

- Making it a requirement to pay down the debt before adding to the rainy day fund or returning to taxpayer.

- I don't like the idea of government investing large amounts of money (e.g., rainy day fund) because of the corrupting influence and the interference with free markets.

- I'm not sure that requiring 3/5's majority is strong enough. Even Utah government far exceeds the proper scope of government and I'd like to require an even stronger majority for exceptions to controls such as this amendment.

-Bryan Kingsford, your senate district